Monday, June 22, 2009

I got banned from MM!

I can't post anymore. :(


  1. no idea!!! just logged in and it said i couldn't post and was permanently banned. :`(!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Foo-Foo,
    I'm from MM. I'm guessing you got banned because of the F* You in your name. Idiot mods.
    You can easily get around this. Create a new account in either hotmail or gmail. You might even be able to keep part of your MM name. I've been banned a few times for 24 hours, & sometimes it'll let me keep my MM name, sometimes I have to use a fake name, which I always announce to everyone.

    If you have to pick a new name, please let us know it's you!

    Good luck!

  4. I just read the thread that was started by Terabithia (Thank you for caring!!! :) ).
    Just for the record, my name was exactly like Atavistic's, it said F* You, I'm Kibakichi Ninja Kitty!!!!, not F*UCK you, or any other variation.
    My screen under settings says I am permanently banned. Not temporarily.
    I have contacted tech support, and they're being wishy washy about everything nd taking 2 days to reply to emails, and telling me it's not them, contact someone else, etc.
    I don't know how to make a new account because I only have one email address.
    I've tried changing my account name, and still no dice.
    I wasn't emailed or told at any time why I was banned.
    And I don't think my husband had anything to do with this, because he's not smart enough to think this up. :P

  5. This is what it says:
    User statistics Joined on: 12/02/08 03:22 PM
    Messages posted (all forums): 1331
    Last post: 06/20/09 09:07 PM
    User is banned permanently
    Recent messages by Kibakichi Ninja Kitty!!!
    No recent messages.

  6. ok i just created a new email address. le sigh.

  7. This is Nagiko. Let us know what your new username will be, so we can be on the look-out for you.

  8. Hi well I think it's pretty obvious who I am. You inspired me to start a blog as I'm having lots of relationship issues too. I feel like a tool but I don't know your first name? Are you ok sharing?

    Here's my blog:

  9. My new usernme is Kibakichi NInja Kitty is Back. very original, I know :)

    Gray Sky, thank you for shring your blog!!! My first name is Janel :)
